The Startup Therapy Couch™: Fear and Concern in Uncertain Times

During this uncertain and turbulent time, fear is totally normal and expected. Now, more than ever, you may be questioning the wisdom of going out and pursuing something as risky as a new business or startup.

First of all, you are not alone. In a socially conscious way, I highly encourage you to reach out to people in your networks and find other entrepreneurs to talk to. Have conversations with people, hear what's on their mind, say what's on yours, and take heart that we are all in this together.

Second, this is one of those times where spending time with people you love (again, in a socially conscious way) is so important. We are being reminded that people are, in fact, everything and perhaps this is a reminder of what we have neglected unwittingly in the past.

Finally, look for opportunities! There may be problems you are moved to solve that are an entire new business that not only helps others but that is more recession-proof simply because it was built during a time of uncertainty. Use your instincts and your ingenuity and creativity to keep creating. Not only will the distraction do you good, but you'll have something very valuable to take with you out of the darkness when the light returns! (And it WILL return...)

As promised, if you'd like to book time to talk with me, ask questions, or just to get an un-biased, non-judgmental, objective third-party ear to listen, use this link:

Stay healthy, safe, and sane, my friends.