The Startup Therapy Couch™: Take Action. Have Faith.

Raika is in the process of building a sales funnel to create more consistent leads and referrals and more predictable revenue. I was speaking with one of my favorite people and mentors, who has had a long and very successful career in technology and building companies in the financial industry. I explained my funnel problem, and asked him for advice and what he said was so poignant. "Cynthia, you worry too much. I've been in business a long time and have a very big rear-view mirror. I promise you that it will all work out, and that it doesn't matter what actions you're taking as long as you are taking them with faith and trust that things will work out."

It's so incredibly true, and so incredibly difficult to do at times. The action itself doesn't really matter so much, it just matters that you are taking action and that you are trusting in the process and in the universe to guide your path. This doesn't mean you stop taking any action, and I'm also not advising you to make yourself crazy taking every action that crosses your path either. Use your intuition, and remember that you may not always see a direct outcome in taking a meeting or having lunch with someone. That's ok. The universe just needs space, and sometimes that meeting or lunch is only intended to create the space for "universe magic" to happen.

So take action. And have faith.