Posts tagged startup therapy couch
The Startup Therapy Couch™: Trust the Universe, even with baby steps.

“Baby steps? I need humongous, sweeping miracles!” Sometimes the small things we do are where miracles can be born…

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Be actively managing your confidence!

We all have those days where everything goes just right and we feel like we could conquer the world. Is that feeling left to the whim of fate, or do we have a say?

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Don't Sell Yourself Short

Sometimes, it’s easy to feel backed into a corner on options and hard to stick up for yourself. But you’ll usually find if you do, it pays off better than you could have imagined.

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #4 Bootstrap

In this 5-part series, we explore the critical factors for startup success. In #4, you learn to use your sweat equity to bootstrap as long as possible.

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #3 MVP

In this 5-part series, we explore the critical factors for startup success. And #3 is…. (drum roll)… MVP!

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #2 TALK

In this 5-part series, we explore the critical factors for startup success. The next most important? TALK!

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Critical Factors for Startup Success - #1 TEAM

In this 5-part series, we explore the critical factors for startup success. The most important? Your TEAM!

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Is there a need for your idea in the market?

Your idea seems brilliant and you can’t believe no one’s come up with it. Is it really because it’s a hole in the market, or are you getting tied up in your one-sided view of the problem?

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Reason 6 of 7 your startup is failing - "Too much money too soon"

Your dad writes you a huge check for the startup idea you tossed around at dinner last night. Is it possible it’s too soon for big money?

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Reason 5 of 7 your startup is failing - "You took some bad advice"

Your favorite mentor has just given you what sounds like the worst advice… What do you do and how do you know for sure?

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The Startup Therapy Couch™: Reason 4 of 7 your startup is failing - "We question your commitment"

Your passion for your idea has to be bigger than life, or you’ll never stay committed to it when things go sideways. (And they likely will go sideways at some point!)

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