Posts tagged software development
Why is the Raika Tech Startup Program necessary?

Why should the Startup Program matter to you as an entrepreneur exploring a new technology idea? Why would you even need it if you feel like you are very clear on what you need to build?

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Video Podcast: Women in Tech

In this episode, we explore our views and experiences as and with women in tech in an effort to understand our own views and offer advice to those who might be struggling to find their place in the field.

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Video Podcast: Does it really need to scale?

Raika Technologies is proud to present this episode of The Raika Show, where we are discussing when (and whether) you should think about scaling your software project. It's our personal public service announcement, just for all you developers out there.

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Video Podcast: How do I monetize my web or app project?

Raika Technologies and GotAnAppIdea are proud to present this episode of Incubate This!, in podcast partnership with The Raika Show.

Everyone like money. Duckets. Moolah. Do-re-mi. So how do you turn your web or mobile app project and monetize to rake in the coinage? This week we are exploring the various monetization options, discussing pros, cons and our opinions. Cha-ching!

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Video Podcast: Anti-patterns in Web and Mobile Design

Raika Technologies is proud to present this episode of The Raika Show, where we are looking at anti-patterns that prevail in web and mobile app design.

Anti-patterns refer to mechanisms or design elements that are designed to increase engagement and user experience, but mostly end up detracting and creating frustrating interactions. We talk about the what and posit the why.

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Podcast: Why is Agile never agile?

Raika Technologies is proud to present this episode of The Raika Show, where we are exploring the iterative software methodology known as Agile.

Agile is designed to adapt to change extremely well. So why is it that teams never seem to be able to do just that, even when implementing Agile? Why is Agile never agile?

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Video Podcast: VanillaJS, JAMstack and Shenanigans

Raika Technologies is proud to present this episode of The Raika Show, where we talk VanillaJS, JAMstack, and branding and coin a new phrase: NeapolitanJS.


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Podcast: Do you really need an Advanced Degree to succeed as a Software Developer?

This week on Incubate This!, in podcast partnership with The Raika Show, Raika Technologies and talk about the benefits of advanced education and postulates how much a formal degree matters to be a successful Software Developer.

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The Tech Therapy Couch: Keep It Simple, Silly! Build what you need, when you need it...

There's this misconception that you need to spend a lot of money on software before you put your idea out there. We say, "Oh, nay NAY!"

Build as little as possible to demonstrate your idea first... And then do a LOT of customer validation interviews to hone in on the core concept. You'll find out whether you're solving your users' problem or not very quickly and you won't spend tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars and years of time on something that doesn't quite hit the mark.

Keep It Simple, Sillypants!

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